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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
December 18, 2012
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, December, 2012, at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.

Members Present: Jennifer Johnston, Robert Rabinowitz, Laura Lerman, Sharon Cohen, Donna Mangiafico, Donna Monteleone Randle, Jennifer Rogers, Ted Kreinik

Members Absent: Robert Kaiser

Auxiliary Members Present: Terry Sagedy, Martin Blanco, Andrea Spencer

Guests: Lisa Scails, Hayden Bates, Robin Fitzgerald

Jennifer Johnston called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM.

Meeting Agenda
  • Moment of Silence
  • Opening Remarks - Chairperson
  • Memorial/Artistic Proposals Submitted
  • Other ideas and suggestions
  •  Financial Donations/Funds
  • Memorial Space/Locations
  • Website, Facebook, Newsletter
  • Arts Festival
  • Public Participation
  • Other Business
  • Jen Johnston:  Where we are going, what we are doing, what we’ve been charged to do.
  • Spoke with Pat – NCAC to  field calls, handle requests for arts related memorials/activities
  • We are asking people to email their suggestions – calls are coming from all over the country.
  • Many groups and individuals from all over are offering help of services and money
  • Events are planned, performances, fund raisers.
  • Hayden Bates has connections that can possibly help/participate in these activities.
  • Martin Blanco and Flagpole Radio Café have offered their help and support as well.
  • We need to organize and coordinate where money will be donated and make sure that all of it goes to the right places, to the groups that it is designated for… and all handled efficiently and properly.  Full transparency. This is all in the works.
  • Along with support from state, nation, and world – there are also local musicians and artists and performers who want to help, to contribute, and we need to find a way to provide that opportunity for them as well.
  • Any ideas and suggestions forwarded to Jennifer Johnston.
  • We can plan things to occur in tandem with other activities already planned for 2013 in Newtown
  • The Cultural Alliance of Western Connecticut (represented at this meeting by Lisa Scails) have generously offered their help and support and services.
  • Lisa Scails (Cultural Alliance of Western Connect) can possibly offer their tax exempt status to us to collect money for us through their accounting system and can manage the money and mail checks out for us.    They can also provide receipts to the donors.   They have the ability to accept multiple forms of payment.
  • Lisa might need some volunteers to help with this.  Robin Fitzgerald may be able to help find volunteers.
  • There needs to be a discussion about infrastructure.  Web sites, and payment sites need to be robust enough to handle the traffic that will come in.
  • Discussion of where any money raised should go, where it is most needed, best used.
  • Motion by Laura Lerman to name the fund “Newtown Arts Heal” – 2nd by Sharon Cohen – passed unanimously.
  • Motion by Robert Rabinowitz to utilize Cultural Alliance of Western Connect as the Fiscal sponsor for “Newtown Arts Heal” pending on working out details with Lisa Scails, 2nd by Jen Rogers.  Passed unanimously.
  • Donna M and Jen R and Terry S will work together for a statement on the NCAC and Arts Festival Web Sites.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50pm

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, January 22nd 2013, Meeting Room 1, Newtown Municipal Center at 7:30 PM.